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Face Cream - anti aging


Face cream for mature and aging skin

New-with Hyaluronic Acid, a rich moisturizer that makes you skin feel very soft and elastic. Smooth's fine lines and wrinkles.

This luxurious moisturizer is made with pimpinella anisum fruit extract,a Botox like active ingredient for a skin relaxing effect.

This activ ingredient in my Anti aging cream relaxes the features while at the same time conversing the natural mobility of the face, shows a higher percentage of results in every area.. Spontaneous and regular face movements show our emotions throughout the day and mark the skin with lines of varying depth: expression lines. Anise extract rich in mineral salts, reduces the phenomena of micro tensing and visibly smooths expression lines.

The blend of essential oils from Frankincense and Carrot stimulating effects on the body and on the mind. Essential oil of Carrot seed is the best essential oil I know for caring for mature skin. It is believed to stimulate the red blood cells, adding tone and elasticity to the skin. There are those who swear it reduces or prevents.

I do recommend Anti-aging cream as the product has good reputation and is made from quality ingredients that are essential for young, glowing skin.

50 g


Ingredients:Ingredients: Sage Hydrosol, Wheat Gem  oil, Avocado oil, Avocado butter, Emulsan II, pimpinella anisum fruit extract, Panthenol, Urea, Chamomile Extrakt, Optiphen, Lamecreame, Potasium Sorbate, Vitamin E, Hyaluronic acid, Essential oil of Carrot, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense and Rosewood.

Anti Wrinkle Face Cream


    kornelias natural care

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