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This  Charcoal soap is ideal for the face and body, for men and women. Handmade with an abundance of activated charcoal. With minimal ingredients, this u soap is ideal for sensitive skin, oily and acne prone skin, and dry skin. Made with organic ingredients, this soap is formulated for sensitive and over active skin.With a rich and creamy lather, this soap easily removes dirt, makeup, excess oil, and unwanted body odor, without stripping essential moisture from skin.

Very gentle for sensitive skin, and all skin types, including oily skin, acne prone skin, and dry skin conditions.

Saponified Oliveoile, Water, Coconut, Vegtable Shortening, Sunflower oil, Sheabutter and Castor oil. Activated Characoal Powder. Fresch smelling Frangrance oil 



Characoal Soap


    kornelias natural care

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